Let's work slowly with each other
and build a relationship
that we can both enjoy being a part of.
Let's share love
and understand that neither of us is perfect;
we are both subject to human frailties.
Let's hold each other close
and whisper though the night--
pledging our love,
honoring our commitment.
Let's encourage each other
to pursue our dreams,
even when we're weary from trying.
Let's expect the best
that we both have to give
and still love when we fall
short of our expectations.
Let's be friends and respect
each other's individual personality
and give one another room to grow.
Let's be candid with each other
and point out strengths and weaknesses.
Let's understand
each other's personal philosophy,
even if we don't agree.
Let's lie awake long into the night
sharing our innermost secrets.
Let's be friends as well as lovers.
Let's laugh at time
and plan with each other
and wonder how we ever got along
without this love we've found.
Let's never take for granted
these moments that we've shared,
But always be reminded
of how intensely we have learned to live,
how completely we have learned to love.
Let's grow old together...
and look back on life and smile.
-dipinjem dari janji-nya Braxton Brown and Peggy Smith, pics by david mario ardana @pantai sembilangan, bangkalan, 31 desember 2009-
wew,,,, so syahduuuu
jiaahh... kayak anak muda aja.... hehheee...
lagi cit cit cuiiiiit...mas :D
emang masih muda kok...:p
..waahhhh...kumaha gituuhh laahhh..
kemarin taon baru ke bangkalan to? berarti lewat suramadu downg ya...
iya San...tujuannya memang mau lewat jembatan suramadu.
*kesampean juga*
pasti lagi membicarakan motornya... iya kan...
*gak rela ngaku masih muda... :p
Wah, makan sate madura di bangkalan, bagaikan makan nasi padang di padang hehehe
backgroundnya keren...
lah... An...? dua orang yg ada di depannya ..juga kereeeeen... hehehe..
yang lebih tepat mas agam...
mencari sate di madura dan mencari nasi padang di padang..
sama seperti mencari jarum di tumpukan jerami....
susyaaaah boooo a booooo.....
ah.. bilang aja kalo motornya nggak semuda si malih.. xixixi...
*teteup ngerasa masih muda*
WOW !! Asiik Mbak :) fotonya keren....
makasih maaaas...;)
Hihihi..jadi inget kata2nya Tj di janji pernikahan kami dan disetiap kado ulang tahunkyuuhuhuhu...:-D
Love it!..:-*
syukurlah kalo begitu..
*seneng ndengernya*
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